Senin, 17 Maret 2014

March 21, 2014 , Big Smash Earth Asteroid ?

 March 21, 2014 , Big Smash Earth Asteroid ?

World exited with  the terrible news about the asteroid last week . Yes , in the near future , precisely March 21, 2014 , a large chunk of asteroid named 2003 QQ47 predicted to collide with the Earth . This news immediately spread quickly on social media , not to mention Twitter , Facebook , Path , and the like . It took three months to make sure that it was not a dangerous asteroid . Reported Slate , Sunday, March 16, 2014 , a large asteroid 2003 QQ47 do exist . However , do not be devastated Earth and its contents next week , or even at least a century . In fact , the asteroid will cross the Earth's sky peacefully on March 26, 2014 . The distance is approximately 19 million miles from Earth , or 50 times farther from the Earth - Moon distance .

Not dangerous , is not it? Some time ago , the Daily Mail had reported that the asteroid was first discovered in 2003 , about 11 years ago , it has the potential to hit Earth around August 2014 . However , in September 2003 , it said the new observations of asteroids will come sooner , around March 2014 . However , the fact it has been directly refuted by NASA . The impact of the asteroid is unusually powerful and frightening many people . No wonder , if these rumors spread like a deadly virus .

Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

The Republik of China releases satellite images of possible Malaysia Airlines crash site

The Republik of China releases satellite images of possible Malaysia Airlines crash site

The Republik of China military agency yesterday released satellite imagery showing large debris floating in the South China Sea along the flight path of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, according to news agencies in Beijing.
The images were captured on Sunday, The Associated Press quoted New China News Agency as reporting. The Chinese military reportedly described the site as a "suspected crash area" based on the location and size of the three debris pieces estimated to be over 70 feet in length and width. The debris are floating between the Malaysian peninsula and Vietnam.
The news agency didn't specify why Beijing hadn't reported the images on Sunday, although media believe China's armed forces may have been reluctant in straight away revealing technological capabilities to other nations involved in the search.
Since the plane's disappearance early Saturday several purported debris sightings, including debris that was believed to be the door of the missing jet, a "yellow object" suspected to be a life raft deployed from the aircraft and oil slicks spotted in the Gulf of Thailand, have proved to be unrelated MH370.
Meanwhile, Malaysia's air force chief Rodzali Daud denies making a statement that the missing plane was tracked by military radar off course to a location off the Strait of Malacca but says that the navy "has not ruled out the possibility of an air turn back on a reciprocal heading".
On Tuesday, Daud was quoted as saying that the plane was last detected at 2:40 a.m. near Pulau Perak, an island in the Malacca Strait.
Xinhua reports that China is requesting that Malaysia verify the rumors that MH370 changed its scheduled course before suddenly losing contact.

UPDATE (11:46 a.m.): Vietnamese authorities said that jets already searched the area where the debris was spotted but will check again. Via The Guardian:
One military official has told Reuters a plane has been sent to the region already.
“We are aware and we sent planes to cover that area over the past three days,” deputy transport minister Pham Quy Tieu told Reuters.

“Today a (military) plane will search the area again.”

However another military official said they are waiting to view the photographs to identity the exact area themselves.
UPDATE: (12:30 p.m.): Via Reuters: Vietnamese aircraft fail to locate debris spotted in satellite images:
A search by two Vietnamese aircraft responding to information provided by a Chinese satellite has failed to locate objects suspected of being wreckage from a missing Malaysian airliner, a Reuters journalist on board a search plane said on Thursday.

Aircraft repeatedly circled the area over the South China Sea but were unable to detect any objects, said the journalist, who flew aboard a Antonov 26 cargo plane for three hours.

Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

Kelud , Long History and eruption anomalies ...

Kelud , Long History and eruption anomalies ...

Kelud administratively entered the district of Kediri , Malang and Blitar , East Java , erupted again on Thursday ( 02/13/2014 ) at 22:50 pm . The eruption of the long historical character returns this eruption , which only take a rest changes in eruption in 2007 .Kelud is a strato volcano type . The location is at 7 degrees 56 minutes south latitude and 112 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds east longitude. Kelud has a height of 1,731 meters above sea level .The last eruption of Mount Kelud before this Thursday is on 3-4 November 2007 . The eruption is like a respite from the eruption of Mount Kelud characteristic that usually is explosive , including the current eruption . In 2007 , only effusive eruption , which led to the lava dome in the middle of what was once the location of the crater lake Kelud .The long history and anomalous eruption of Mount KeludNotes about the eruption of Mount Kelud tracked since the year 1000 , as contained in the Basic Data book published Indonesian Volcano Ministry of Energy , Natural Resources and Minerals in 2011 .Characteristic of explosive eruptions of this mountain is known at least since 1901 . The eruption in 2007 , referring to the phrase former head of the Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation ( PVMBG ) Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources , Surono , is an anomaly ." Diversion " a characteristic that was in 2007 according to Surono not because there is anything supernatural or inexplicable . The eruption in 2007 did not show as great eruption whenever Kelud erupted over because there was a crack in the lava path of the mountain , which makes thrust eruption had seeped out . Therefore , the power of the mountain lettuce was much reduced .In 1990 , before the eruption eruption last Thursday night , at least 200 million tons of solid cubic meters of material ejected from the crater of Mount Kelud . For comparison , the eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010 " only " threw 150 million cubic meters of solid material .Thousands of lives and tunnels AmperaWith characteristic explosive eruptions , Kelud is one of the active volcanoes are listed in thousands of deaths in the long history of eruptions , although the effect is not regular pants eruption of Mount Tambora in West Nusa Tenggara , or Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait to shake the world .Before the eruption in 2007 , known as Kelud volcano with a crater lake . According to Surono in an interview , awesomeness impact crater eruption with type Kelud this sort will be directly proportional to the volume of water in the crater lake .Effusive eruption in 2007 , has turned the lake in the crater of Mount Kelud , leaving only puddles that barely even dry . However , previous attempts to shrink the volume of the crater lake has also been done by the government , namely the construction of drainage tunnels . The first project was built during the colonial rule , in 1926 .The tunnel was built after the eruption of Mount Kelud erupted in 1919 that killed at least 5,160 people . Tunnel built colonial government had closed the volcanic material in an eruption in 1966 despite escaped damage from the eruption in 1951 .Although the 1919 eruption already claimed the lives of so many , the eruption of Mount Kelud killed by most existing record is eruption in 1586 , with more than 10,000 people become victims .Tunnel diverter artificial water from the crater lake in 1926 is still functioning until now . However , after the eruption of 1966, the Indonesian government to build a new tunnel that is located 45 feet below the old tunnel .The new tunnel is completed constructed in 1967 is named Ampera Tunnel . Its function is keeping the crater lake water volume was more than 2.5 million cubic meters .In the 1990 eruption , which lasted for 45 days , which is expressed by the eruption of volcanic material Kelud reached 57.3 million cubic meters . However , the cold lava flows up to 24 kilometers past the 11 rivers that disgorge Kelud . Ampera Tunnel also had clogged , and new revitalisasinya completed in 1994 .

Kelud eruption

Residents flee Kelud erupts

The atmosphere in the slopes of Mount Kelud own on Thursday ( 02/13/2014 ) evening began mass panic . Some residents began to move away from a radius of 10 km from the lava dome .
" Tonight the people have started to flee in droves . Anybody ride a motorcycle , there are riding a private vehicle , " said Parni ( 50 ) residents slope Kelud to Solar Online , Thursday ( 02/13/2014 ) night .
Residents began to flee in haste , after receiving notification of the other residents if Kelud would erupt . Ironically the evacuation was carried out at the initiative of residents , village officials are not coordinated .
" Panic all carp, because of the radio HT has been informed that Kelud had erupted . 's Why we only carry the goods they had on , " he added .
Parni who fled with his family in the village of Tawang this field , even admitted confusion because in emergency shelters was still not ready . Though many people are coming .
Kelud alert status has been disseminated to the public , who live in a radius of 10 km from the lava dome . In Kediri residents living in the danger zone amounted to 66 130 inhabitants.
As per the post rehearsal was held on Thursday morning , hundreds of already prepared a fleet of trucks to transport the refugees . But wait until people are still not emerged overnight . Residents take advantage of existing vehicles belonging to residents to evacuate .

Rabu, 12 Februari 2014

President chose Muhammad Lutfi to Replace Select Gita Wirjawan as Indonesian trade minister

President chose Muhammad Lutfi to Replace Select Gita Wirjawan as Indonesian trade minister

 JAKARTA - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has selected a replacement Gita Wirjawan who resigned as Secretary of Commerce . The person elected President is a former Ambassador to Japan Muhammad Lutfi ." I have done a fit and proper test , to Muhammad Lutfi , a former ambassador to Japan . Mr. Lutfi has been participating and contributing to the government I lead, " the president said in a press conference at the Presidential Office , Central Jakarta , Wednesday ( 12/2 ) .In this press conference , accompanied by Vice President Boediono , Gita Wirjawan and Muhammad Lutfi .The President said he chose Lutfi after the fit and proper test with the Vice President . President hopes Lutfi Gita can carry out the task ahead in repairing the Indonesian economy , especially in trade." We know the world economy was not bright . Therefore we must maintain our international trade mainly we export abroad , " said the President .Muhammad Lutfi , 44 is an Indonesian businessmen and government officials who had served as Head of the Investment Coordinating Board ( BKPM ) .He has been assigned to be the Indonesian ambassador to Japan in 2010 to 2013 ago . In 2008 , a graduate of Purdue University , Indiana , USA was recognized as an influential young leader by the World Economic Forum 's Young Global Leaders . He is also one of the founders of Islamic banking

Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

Team Jupiter AU remains controversial maneuver in KRI Usman Harun

Singapore is angry about naming KRI agenda Usman Aaron has canceled defense dialogue with Indonesia and also cancel the invitation to 100 of the Indonesian delegation to the Singapore Air Show 2014. However, Jupiter team representing the Air Force in the event will still appear .The appearance of Jupiter Aerobatic Team Air Force at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition 2013The appearance of Jupiter Aerobatic Team Air Force at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition 2013
Okay , before we discuss what and how the performance of Jupiter Aerobatic Team ( JAT ) which is an aerial acrobatic team of the Air Force , The Momot want flashed forth attitude about Singapore which has canceled a number of defense agenda with Indonesia following their outrage over the naming KRI Usman Harun .Initially , since no cancellation agenda , the Air Force will pull back the current JAT was in Singapore for the Singapore Air Show 2014 event , 11 to 16 February 2014. But the TNI Commander General Moeldoko ensure Jupiter team will still appear . Moeldoko ensure the cancellation of a meeting of defense dialogue by the Singapore Ministry of Defence did not affect the team's performance in the event of Jupiter .Admittedly , he had just received information that the TNI Jupiter teams remain listed in the event the Singapore Airshow . By doing so , he was not found reason to withdraw his troops to fail to appear in the aerospace Singapore , although the relationship between Indonesia and Singapore were slightly heated ."The schedule there , so he ( Jupiter ) still follow . For Jupiter , this show is not for the people of Singapore , but for the international community , " said Moeldoko in Parliament Complex in Senayan , Jakarta , Monday ( 02/10/2014 ) , as quoted by Reuters .According to schedule , the team of six aircraft Jupiter will appear officially at the opening of the Singapore Airshow on Tuesday ( 11/02/2014 ) inu . Previously , Moeldoko claimed Jupiter team ready to pull the military out of Singapore if they are not included in the schedule of events of the Singapore Airshow ."If it is not given schedule doing there. Will we pull . But I checked there just now given the schedule , " he concluded .Previously , the Ministry of Defence of Singapore canceled a meeting of defense dialogue with the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia which was originally to be held in Singapore in conjunction with the Singapore Airshow . TNI chief also received an invitation about the cancellation of the Indonesian delegation to the Singapore Airshow , which accounted for 100 people .The cancellation is done post - protest of the Government of Singapore related naming plan " KRI Usman Aaron " on one of the Navy ships . Navy will remain firm using the name Usman KRI Aaron for one light frigate that was ordered from England . For the Navy , the decision was final . ( Read also the article Here's the full story of heroism Usman and Aaron were hanged in Singapore ) .What's The Jupiter Aerobatic Team ( JAT ) ?In 1996 , Indonesian Air Force aerobatic team formed of eight aircraft equipped with BAE Hawk Mk . of Skadik 103 . The team is named " Jupiter " and they performed for the first time on 23 September 1997 . In 2001 , the team became " Jupiter Blue " after joining the team " Blue Eagle " , which later disbanded due to financial crisis in the late 1990s .Jupiter Aerobatic Team was formed again in 2008 , using a 4 KT - 1B trainer aircraft Wongbe of the Korean Aerospace Industries . The team's first public appearance occurred on July 4, 2008 in Yogyakarta and the second show was held in Jakarta in November 2008 .In 2010 , after two years of stagnation , JAT start a training program with the help of a team of Australian Roulettes . In September 2010 , two JAT pilots were sent to Australia to observe and practice as well as together with the Roulettes team in Victoria , Australia . On 8 November 2010 , a team the Roulettes perform in Jakarta Halim Air Force Base where six members of JAT had the opportunity to fly in a chair " Roulettes " PC - 9s during their workout .In 2011 , JAT has six aircraft to fly formation with dominant red - white color similar to the color of the flag of Indonesia. The first demonstration of the formation of six aircraft was conducted on March 16, 2011 in Yogyakarta and subsequent appearances take place in Jakarta on 9 April the 65th anniversary of the Air Force . And their third appearance occurred on 17 April 2011 in Yogyakarta .everything aviatorAir Force aerobatics team the entire military pilot flight instructor , as quoted by Reuters , on Tuesday, February 4, 2014 taking off from the Main Air Base Air Force Adisucipto , Yogyakarta , towards Changi International Airport , Singapore , to show ability in the Singapore Air Show 2014.At exhibitions and fairs aerospace technology development and international business that was held on February 11 to 16 it will be shown various types and types of aircraft , civil and military , either statically or dynamically .The manufacturers and businesses of international flights also open stores in the hangars part of the Changi International Airport .Special to The Jupiters , contingent was led Main Air Base Commander Air Force Adisucipto , First Marshal TNI Agus Jojo , as their builder . The Jupiters is dedicated to the educational institution the Air Force .Jupiter was a code word for Air calls Air Force flight instructor , followed by three numbers in the order of seniority and structural position in the air squadrons , such as Jupiter Jupiter 031 or 674 .To go to Singapore , the route of the Jupiters is Yogyakarta - Jakarta - Palembang - Singapore , with eight multipurpose turboprop trainer aircraft Wong Bee KT - 1B , with a red background color white arrow draft former commander of the National Air Defense Command TNI , the late Marshal Younger Gen. ( ret. ) Djoko Poerwoko .Overall, the personnel involved in the mission to Singapore is 59 people . The Jupiters presence at the Singapore Air Show in 2014 was not the first time in the international aerospace event . Previously they were present at the Centennial of Aviation RTAF Founding Fathers in 2012 , commemorating 100 years of flight Thailand .After that , they were invited at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition 2013 , Malaysia ( February 2013 ) , and in Brunei Darussalam in Brunei Darussalam - BRIDEX 2013 International Defence Exhibition 2013 ( December 2013 ) .Lighting Information and Library Main Air Base Adisucipto Air Force , stated , The Jupiters led by Major Airmen Ferry Yunaldi as Flight Leader / Jupiter 1 .Another Formation Flight Captain Ripdho Utomo ( Right Wing / Jupiter 2 ) , Flight Captain Apri Arfianto ( Left Wing / Jupiter 3 ) , Major Airmen Ari Susiono ( Slot / Jupiter 4 ) , Major Airmen Sri Raharjo ( Lead Synchro / Jupiter 5 ) , Marcellinus and Airmen Major Aerospace ( Syncro / Jupiter 6 ) .The Jupiters will feature 14 aerial acrobatic maneuvers result of intensive training and strict discipline of the Air Force flight instructor supported maintenance personnel , other elements .Formation in the air , among others , Jupiter Roll , Arrow Head Loop , Loop and Break Off , Half Cuban - Jupiter Twin Wheel , Tango to Diamond Loop , Mirror , Heart , Screw Roll , Roll Slide , Solo Spin , Five Card Loop , Jupiter Roll back , and ending Loop and Bomb Burst .When The Jupiter appeared on the 4th day Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition 2013 ( LIMA'13 ) , they amaze thousands of visitors , especially people of Langkawi.

TNI Commander : Name - KRI Usman HarunWill Not Changed  

JAKARTA , - TNI chief Gen. Moeldoko sure will not change the name Usman Harun KRI -  though Singapore KRI protest naming it . He said , giving the name of KRI has been through a long process before the protests of Singapore . " Still , baseball has changed , " said Moeldoko , in Parliament House Complex , Jakarta , Monday ( 02/10/2014 ) . He explained , giving the name " Usman - Harun " for warships the Navy has appropriate procedures . The selection of names for Navy warships were taken from the names of the characters or fighters who have high services to Indonesia . According Moeldoko , Singapore real thing in question has long been completed . In 1973 , he said, the Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew once laying flowers at the tomb of Usman and Harun at the Heroes Cemetery , Kalibata , South Jakarta . " This naming is long , not the other day . Actually psychological relationship already considered finished , " he said . When asked about the development of bilateral relations between Indonesia and Singapore , according to him , there is no problem . " There is no tension on the border , giving the name ( Usman - Harun) had nothing to do evoke emotion . We think so , " he said . As reported earlier , the Navy named a warship KRI -  Usman - Harun. The name was taken to the memory of Haji Muhammad Usman Ali and Harun Said , who was executed in Singapore for their role in the bombing of a downtown office complex in March 1965 . The attack was part of an effort by President Sukarno in the fight against the newly formed Federation of Malaysia , including Singapore . Singapore broke away from Malaysia on August 9, 1965 . Separately , Coordinating Minister for Political , Legal and Security Affairs Djoko Suyanto said Indonesia has the authority and mature consideration paid tribute to his hero , including his name to perpetuate the name of the Indonesian warship . Singapore, he said , is not entitled to intervention - related naming KRI Usman Harun .