Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

Kelud , Long History and eruption anomalies ...

Kelud , Long History and eruption anomalies ...

Kelud administratively entered the district of Kediri , Malang and Blitar , East Java , erupted again on Thursday ( 02/13/2014 ) at 22:50 pm . The eruption of the long historical character returns this eruption , which only take a rest changes in eruption in 2007 .Kelud is a strato volcano type . The location is at 7 degrees 56 minutes south latitude and 112 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds east longitude. Kelud has a height of 1,731 meters above sea level .The last eruption of Mount Kelud before this Thursday is on 3-4 November 2007 . The eruption is like a respite from the eruption of Mount Kelud characteristic that usually is explosive , including the current eruption . In 2007 , only effusive eruption , which led to the lava dome in the middle of what was once the location of the crater lake Kelud .The long history and anomalous eruption of Mount KeludNotes about the eruption of Mount Kelud tracked since the year 1000 , as contained in the Basic Data book published Indonesian Volcano Ministry of Energy , Natural Resources and Minerals in 2011 .Characteristic of explosive eruptions of this mountain is known at least since 1901 . The eruption in 2007 , referring to the phrase former head of the Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation ( PVMBG ) Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources , Surono , is an anomaly ." Diversion " a characteristic that was in 2007 according to Surono not because there is anything supernatural or inexplicable . The eruption in 2007 did not show as great eruption whenever Kelud erupted over because there was a crack in the lava path of the mountain , which makes thrust eruption had seeped out . Therefore , the power of the mountain lettuce was much reduced .In 1990 , before the eruption eruption last Thursday night , at least 200 million tons of solid cubic meters of material ejected from the crater of Mount Kelud . For comparison , the eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010 " only " threw 150 million cubic meters of solid material .Thousands of lives and tunnels AmperaWith characteristic explosive eruptions , Kelud is one of the active volcanoes are listed in thousands of deaths in the long history of eruptions , although the effect is not regular pants eruption of Mount Tambora in West Nusa Tenggara , or Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait to shake the world .Before the eruption in 2007 , known as Kelud volcano with a crater lake . According to Surono in an interview , awesomeness impact crater eruption with type Kelud this sort will be directly proportional to the volume of water in the crater lake .Effusive eruption in 2007 , has turned the lake in the crater of Mount Kelud , leaving only puddles that barely even dry . However , previous attempts to shrink the volume of the crater lake has also been done by the government , namely the construction of drainage tunnels . The first project was built during the colonial rule , in 1926 .The tunnel was built after the eruption of Mount Kelud erupted in 1919 that killed at least 5,160 people . Tunnel built colonial government had closed the volcanic material in an eruption in 1966 despite escaped damage from the eruption in 1951 .Although the 1919 eruption already claimed the lives of so many , the eruption of Mount Kelud killed by most existing record is eruption in 1586 , with more than 10,000 people become victims .Tunnel diverter artificial water from the crater lake in 1926 is still functioning until now . However , after the eruption of 1966, the Indonesian government to build a new tunnel that is located 45 feet below the old tunnel .The new tunnel is completed constructed in 1967 is named Ampera Tunnel . Its function is keeping the crater lake water volume was more than 2.5 million cubic meters .In the 1990 eruption , which lasted for 45 days , which is expressed by the eruption of volcanic material Kelud reached 57.3 million cubic meters . However , the cold lava flows up to 24 kilometers past the 11 rivers that disgorge Kelud . Ampera Tunnel also had clogged , and new revitalisasinya completed in 1994 .

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