Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

TNI Commander : Name - KRI Usman HarunWill Not Changed  

JAKARTA , - TNI chief Gen. Moeldoko sure will not change the name Usman Harun KRI -  though Singapore KRI protest naming it . He said , giving the name of KRI has been through a long process before the protests of Singapore . " Still , baseball has changed , " said Moeldoko , in Parliament House Complex , Jakarta , Monday ( 02/10/2014 ) . He explained , giving the name " Usman - Harun " for warships the Navy has appropriate procedures . The selection of names for Navy warships were taken from the names of the characters or fighters who have high services to Indonesia . According Moeldoko , Singapore real thing in question has long been completed . In 1973 , he said, the Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew once laying flowers at the tomb of Usman and Harun at the Heroes Cemetery , Kalibata , South Jakarta . " This naming is long , not the other day . Actually psychological relationship already considered finished , " he said . When asked about the development of bilateral relations between Indonesia and Singapore , according to him , there is no problem . " There is no tension on the border , giving the name ( Usman - Harun) had nothing to do evoke emotion . We think so , " he said . As reported earlier , the Navy named a warship KRI -  Usman - Harun. The name was taken to the memory of Haji Muhammad Usman Ali and Harun Said , who was executed in Singapore for their role in the bombing of a downtown office complex in March 1965 . The attack was part of an effort by President Sukarno in the fight against the newly formed Federation of Malaysia , including Singapore . Singapore broke away from Malaysia on August 9, 1965 . Separately , Coordinating Minister for Political , Legal and Security Affairs Djoko Suyanto said Indonesia has the authority and mature consideration paid tribute to his hero , including his name to perpetuate the name of the Indonesian warship . Singapore, he said , is not entitled to intervention - related naming KRI Usman Harun .

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