Senin, 16 Desember 2013

68% of Americans projected to own an iPhone by 2017

68% of Americans projected to own an iPhone by 2017

Apple’s iPhone lineup is losing ground to Android globally when it arrives to smartphone market share, with the latest figures proposing Android’s share of the worldwide market ascended to a remarkable 81% last quarter. meantime, Apple’s share of the market dropped from 14.4% in the third quarter last year to 12.9% in Q3 2013. In the joined States, although, a very distinct picture is being painted and according to new projections from Asymco analyst Horace Dediu, Apple’s lead will continue to augment in the approaching years. In detail, Dediu accepts as true that a staggering 68% of the addressable U.S. population (U.S. buyers older than 13 years of age) will own iPhones by 2017. Of course this forecast presumes nothing major will arrive along and rock the boat over the course of the next four years, which is conspicuously any thing but certain.

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