Selasa, 17 Desember 2013

iPhone 5s rounds out this year’s peak 3 Google searches, Galaxy S4 and PlayStation 4 make peak 10

iPhone 5s rounds out this year’s peak 3 Google searches, Galaxy S4 and PlayStation 4 make peak 10

This year was a large-scale one for gadgets, at least according to Google’s peak 10 global trending explorations for 2013. Apple’s iPhone 5s came in at number three, while the Samsung Galaxy S4 and Sony PlayStation 4 came in at figures eight and nine, respectively.

As Google places it, the rest of the register is rounded out mainly by “heroes” and “tragedies.” The top two explorations for the year, for instance – Nelson Mandela and Paul Walker – are two notable public numbers that lately past away. To be rather honest, I wasn’t certain who Cory Monteith, the fourth most popular entry, was, until I Googled him just now and learned that he’s the player from the television series Glee that passed away this summer.

Thankfully, a little levity enters the list with application number five – the Harlem Shake. And come to believe about it, with the way that it seemed to override my social newspapers feeds for weeks, if not months, I’m a little shocked it doesn’t rank higher.

The full list of peak 10 global trending explorations is underneath, and you can find more comprehensive breakdowns in Google’s annual Year-End Zeitgeist report here.

Nelson Mandela
Paul Walker
iPhone 5s
Cory Monteith
Harlem agitate
Boston Marathon
regal Baby
Samsung Galaxy s4
PlayStation 4
North Korea

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