Rabu, 29 Januari 2014

How Bioelectronics Promise A Future Cure For Cancer

How Bioelectronics Promise A Future Cure For Cancer

 When you think of cyborgs evolving a truth, you probably image Arnold Schwarzenegger's blazing red eye from Terminator or the strong, tight-lipped gaze of Robocop. But the future where man and appliance converge won't just be constructed with nuts and bolts. It will be constructed with biology.
How Close Are We to construction a Full-Fledged Cyborg?

The illusion of the cyborg is coming factual at an exhilarating rate. As humans gets better and better at making appliances, we hold attaching those machines … Read…

Self-avowed cyborg expert Tim Maly said as much when I talked to him last year. The first full-fledged cyborg "probably won't be a mechanical body," he notified Gizmodo. "It will likely be some biogrown body, and it won't be recognizable to us as Robocop, because it'll currently be part of a long line of little improvements."

Those improvements have already started.

The area is renowned as bioelectronics, and it's exactly what it noise like: biological science encounters electronics. Before I get ahead of myself, though, it's significant to characterise what bioelectronics is, then we can start to look at its very exciting possibilities.
short annals

Bioelectronics is a fairly new phrase when it comes to technical disciplines, although its origins proceed back at least a years. You can gaze at least as far back as the first unquestionable notes of the electrocardiogram in 1895 for the beginnings of bioelectronics. That's when it became obvious that electrical devices schemes could have a deep influence on the area of medicine. Today, some 160,000 defibrillators are implanted in the joined States solely, turning thousands of Americans into walking, respiring cyborgs, if they recognize it or not.

The area of bioelectronics has only recently taken off, however. In fact, about 95 percent of all papers written on the theme were released after 1990. And only in the past twosome of years have truly world-changing innovations begun to exterior. After the 20th years brought us everything from the pacemaker to robotic prosthetics, determined scientists begun to wonder how they could push the synergy between biological science and electronics even farther. rather than of building electrical devices devices that could be implanted in biological systems, for instance, why not construct apparatus that become a part of them?

So far, the beginnings of this have mostly happened on a cellular grade. researchers are construction biocomputers, for example, that use biologically derived material to perform computational purposes. These mind-bending little creations really use DNA to construct proteins in a scheme according to very exact main headings. More expressly, they use proteins and DNA to method information rather than of silicon chips.

To be advised computers, then, they have to be able to do three things: store data, convey data, and perform a function according to a scheme of logic. Scientists figured out how to shop and convey information a long time before. (After all, DNA itself is in the business of shop and conveying information.) Only last year, did they figure out how to get biocomputers to present calculations.

A group led by Stanford bioengineer Drew Endy built a system of transmitting genetic data using something they called "transcriptors" that work a allotment like electrical devices transistors. while transistors work by letting electrons either flow or not flow through a gateway, transcriptors allowed a protein called RNA polymerase either flow or not flow along a strand of DNA. This inescapably endowed scientists to construct a completely purposeful biocomputer.
Biology Meets Electronics

Building a biological system that performs like an electrical devices scheme isn't necessarily bioelectrical devicess. Biocomputing is a building impede for certain thing larger, certain thing more akin to learning how biological schemes and electrical devices schemes can exist symbiotically. That's accurately what a group of Harvard scientists accomplished in 2012 when they conceived a "cyborg" tissue that embedded a three dimensional network of purposeful, biocompatible, nanoscale wires into engineered human tissue. This breakthrough comprises flawlessly that synergy that I mentioned overhead.

"The present procedures we have for monitoring or combining with living schemes are limited," said Professor Charles Lieber who led the research. "We can use electrodes to measure undertaking in cells or tissue, but that damages them. With this expertise, for the first time, we can work at the identical scale as the unit of biological scheme without cutting off it. finally, this is about merging tissue with electronics in a way that it becomes difficult to work out where the tissue ends and the electronics begin."

It makes rudimentary sense when you believe about it. At the end of the day, the human body is controlled by a series of electrical pointers, so Lieber and his team designed this new material after the autonomic tense scheme utilising nanoscale wires to proceed kind of like nerves. For now, the material will expected be utilised by the pharmaceutical industry to see how human tissue answers to drugs, but the sky's the limit when it arrives to the possibilities of electronic body components.

A Bioelectric Cure for cancerous disease

Let's draw a distinction here. A material that's part electronic (read: has wires) and part biological (read: is made of dwelling units) is certainly bioelectric. But the supreme ambition of bioelectronics takes it a stage farther. These—largely hypothetical—devices use the principles of biocomputing and the architecture of biological electronics to do incredible things.

It'll take some time to get there. So far, what we have been thriving at doing in the area of bioelectronics is manipulating the electric properties of living units. Tufts University developmental biologist Michael Levin, for example, believes he can tweak the living electronic pointers in cells to spawn new patterns of development. This is not dissimilar to fine-tuning the flow of proteins in a biocomputer to perform a specific function, except its significances are possibly world-changing.

Just think what it could do for cancer study. Levin's group published a paper last February that summaries how exact electrical signals are affiliated with tumor growth. In effect, if you could recognise that exclusive bioelectric pointer early on, you could spot the tumor before it even begins to augment.

Even further, if you could manipulate that bioelectric pointer, you could stop the cancerous diseaseous diseaseous disease entirely. This would happen by facilitating the flow of ions into and out of the units setting off a string of links reaction that could adjust the course of the disease. In the impressive design of things, reading these bioelectric signals could help identify and heal all types of conditions and probably even regrow limbs.
Making You a Living Computer

That's mostly where the beside period promise for bioelectronics lies: in surgery. These types of devices are currently coming to market as wearable sensors that notify you about your body. Google's lately announced contact lens that can supervise glucose grades is a perfect demonstration, as are the many distinct iterations of LED tattoos. Some of these devices work in tandem with a smartphone or a computer, but researchers finally hope they'll be able to operate autonomously, without wires or possibly even electric electric electric batteries.

The vision is determined. A little over a month before, pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline announced a $1 million prize for discovery in the area of bioelectronics. They're looking for some genius researchers to build "a miniaturized, completely implantable apparatus that can read, write and impede the body's electric signals to heal disease." Sounds attractive unbelievable! This could bring us nearer to a cure for any thing from asthma to diabetes and potentially save millions of inhabits. And thanks to latest study we know it's likely.

rather frankly, if bioelectronics can do all things researchers think it can do, $1 million is a cut-rate for a apparatus like that.

NASA Radar Maps the Winter Pace of Iceland's Glaciers

NASA Radar Maps the Winter Pace of Iceland's Glaciers

A small part of the Hofsjökull ice hat in Iceland A small part of the Hofsjökull ice cap in Iceland, which encompasses some glaciers. The fan at top left is part of a glacier called Múlajökull. Image borrowing: Caltech

A high-precision radar instrument from NASA's Jet Propulsion lab, Pasadena, Calif., left south California for Iceland today to create comprehensive maps of how glaciers move in the dead of winter. This will help scientists better understand some of the most basic methods engaged in melting glaciers, which are major suppliers to increasing sea levels.

The JPL-developed equipment, which soars on a NASA study airplane, departed from NASA's Dryden airplane Operations Facility in Palmdale, Calif. The trial is directed by assess Simons, a lecturer of geophysics at the California organisation of expertise in Pasadena, and Brent Minchew, a Caltech graduate student.

Simons and Minchew utilised the same airborne equipment in June 2012 to chart the summer flows of two Icelandic ice caps. The ice caps -- large localities of permanent snowfallfall and ice cover -- encompass multiple glaciers raging torrent in distinct directions and at distinct races.

throughout the 2012 campaign, surface ice on the glaciers was dissolving under the summer sun. Meltwater that trickles through the body of a glacier down to the bedrock underneath can leverage the speed at which the glacier flows. By mapping the same ice caps now, in winter, when the exterior remains frozen all day, and then matching the winter and summer velocities, the researchers will be adept to isolate the consequences of meltwater.

"That's a demanding subject," said Minchew. "Our comprehending of the consequences of meltwater on glacier flow is by no means entire. Even the most complicated ice sheet forms likely are not apprehending all of the salient processes."

Using NASA's C-20A airborne research airplane and support crew, the investigators will make four flights from Keflavik worldwide aerodrome beside Reykjavik, Iceland, between Jan. 30 and Feb. 6 throughout the couple of Arctic daylight hours. Each air travel follows accurately the same perplexing route as flown in 2012. The crisscrossing flight legs permit the JPL-developed instrument, called the Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR), to chart the full span of both ice caps from multiple twists to capture flows in every main heading. The action of the ice between one flight and the next permits scientists to calculate flow races. "The UAVSAR gives us an entire, relentless map of how every location on the ice cap is moving," Simons said.

The two ice caps, called Hofsjökull and Langjökull, are perfect natural laboratories for this trial, according to Simons. They're somewhat uncomplicated and little sufficient that the scientists can readily use the facts and figures from these trials in computer forms of glacier flow without requiring a supercomputer. Langjökull, the bigger of the two, covers about 360 square miles (950 rectangle kilometers); for evaluation, the biggest ice hat in Iceland, Vatnajökull, is more than 3,100 rectangle miles (8,000 rectangle kilometers).

An even stronger motivation, Simons said, is that "we are benefiting from a huge allowance of work on these glaciers that's currently been finished by a group of internationally identified glaciologists in Iceland. The glaciers are in their backyard, and they've been studying them for years. They've currently mapped the ice-rock interface at the base of the glacier, for demonstration. We've had nothing but support and support from them."

For more information on UAVSAR, visit: http://uavsar.jpl.nasa.gov.

Caltech organises JPL for NASA.

NASA monitors Earth's crucial signs from land, air and space with a fleet of satellites and determined airborne and ground-based fact crusades. NASA evolves new ways to observe and study Earth's interconnected natural schemes with long-term facts and figures notes and computer investigation tools to better glimpse how our planet is altering. The bureau shares this exclusive information with the international community and works with institutions in the United States and round the world that contribute to comprehending and protecting our dwelling planet.

For more information about NASA's soil research undertakings in 2014, visit: http://www.nasa.gov 


Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Apple be utilising sapphire glass

Could apple  be utilising sapphire glass for a solar-charging iPhone 6 screen?

There’s been a allotment of talk about sapphire glass since apple  CEO Tim prepare food sat down for an interview with ABC report last week. But apart from affirming that a new constructing vegetation the company bought in Mesa, Arizona last year will be used to make sapphire glass, no other minutia were revealed. Seeking Alpha analyst Matt Margolis has a attractive intriguing idea, though: He conceives Apple might be inscribing solar panels inside sapphire glass partitions for the next iPhone.

When you look at a lot of latest report about the business, this concept really makes a good deal of sense. For starters, Apple has filed solar patents that will permit the company to power devices through solar units. The company furthermore hired a thin films technician to “assist in the development and refinement of thin films technologies applicable to electrical devices systems.”
Apple  then signed a $578 million contract with GT sophisticated Technologies, which was just confirmed to be for sapphire glass in the aforementioned ABC News interview. The business furthermore broadcast plans to spend $10.5 billion in 2014, on new output expertise encompassing robots and lasers. The company furthermore posted job listings for constructing design engineers, with quotations to solar cells and lasers in the job description. And it was just described that Apple constructing partner Foxconn lately assembled at least 100 prototype units of the next iPhone with sapphire exhibitions.

Apple’s solar farm next to its data center in Maiden, North Carolina

In supplement to all of this, Margolis notes that sapphire constructor GT has been able to considerably decrease the cost of sapphire glass, from $13-18 to just $3-5 per computer display. That makes it a financially viable alternative to Corning’s Gorilla Glass, which charges $3 per screen.

Of course, no one of this is a sure wager that apple fruit is really designing to make a move towards sapphire partitions or solar ascribing, but the pieces of the puzzle do fit together pretty well. The business is no stranger to the advantages of solar energy, with two solar farms and one fuel cell ranch beside its facts and figures center in North Carolina. And solar ascribing would be a gigantic step ahead for mobile apparatus, which only consume more and more electric electric battery life as they become larger and more powerful. Then afresh, a solar section the dimensions of a teleteletelephone screen wouldn’t generate all that much power, and I’m not sure apple fruit would proceed down this route unless it supplied a discernable benefit.

Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

Egyptians mark anniversary

Egyptians assess anniversary of uprising with display of support for army-backed government

CAIRO — On the third celebration of the uprising that promised to free Egypt from autocratic direct, thousands of demonstrators rallied in the capital Saturday to display support for the military number who overthrew the country’s first democratically voted into office leader.

competitor groups of demonstrators across the homeland were contacted with dangerous force. Clashes between policeman and anti-coup protesters aligned with Mohamed Morsi — and in a few cases, with liberal anti-military protesters — left 29 dead and almost 170 injured, according to the wellbeing Ministry, a day after six persons were killed in a string of attacks on security goals in Cairo. Twenty-six of the killings were in greater Cairo, the ministry said.

Morsi’s supporters in the Anti-Coup Alliance, an Islamist coalition, said at nightfall that 40 people had been killed nationwide. The wellbeing Ministry issues only the tally of bodies obtained by government hospital morgues, while activist tolls are often drawn from area clinics and family members.

previous in the day, supporters of Egypt’s infantry commander, Gen. Abdel Fatah al-Sissi, accumulated in a firmly protected Tahrir rectangle, the epicenter of the pro-democracy revolt that overthrew strongman Hosni Mubarak in 2011, to chant pro-military and nationalist slogans and advocate Sissi, the man who led the July coup that ousted Morsi, to run for president. The view mismatched harshly with the pluralistic air of the 2011 uprising, in which liberal youth activists, Islamists and others joined hands to call for Mubarak’s ouster and popular reforms.

Gone were the tents and banners of the multitude of political parties and activist groups that have taken to the square over the past three years to converse about, contend for and voice their demands for Egypt’s political transition.

“There is no space for us,” said Marwan Yassin, a 23-year-old liberal activist from the seaboard city of Alexandria. Yassin took part in the rallies that commanded to Mubarak’s downfall, but he said that “the youth have no belief in the political process now.”

Nearly every banner in Tahrir Square on Saturday unexciting Sissi’s face. Even the somewhat few posters with the titles of political parties, such as the liberal al-Wafd, were paired with the general’s face. Patriotic melodies blared from a stage, and military helicopters enencircled overhead. State TV aired footage of pro-military Egyptians promenading in cities over the homeland.

“It’s not their right” to be here, Hani Mahfouz, a video theater manager, said of Morsi’s backers in the Muslim Brotherhood and the liberal and leftist assemblies that spearheaded the 2011 protests but were visibly missing from Tahrir Square on Saturday. “They are the political front for terrorism,” he said of the activists, numerous of who have been jailed under the new military-backed government after disputing constrained freedoms.

“This ‘military direct’ [phrase] that they use is offensive,” he supplemented, mentioning to activist chants. “Our infantry is the best in the world.”

The few sizable anti-coup demonstrations that materialized across the capital Saturday were contacted almost instantly with force. policeman discharged live ammunition at anti-government demonstrators on the outskirts of Tahrir rectangle and in other localities of the town.

In the capital’s Dokki neighborhood, policemanmanman in very dark ski masks and bulletproof vests discharged volleys of tear gas and bullets into an anti-coup march, as spectators barracked them on. Swarms of young men emerged to be aiding the police, dragging other juvenile men — evidently from the other edge — back to policemanmanman lines.

“I didn’t do anything,” screamed one young man as he was pulled away by other ones in civilian apparel. Bystanders there and in other components of the capital said there had been swaps of gunfire between policemanman and Brotherhood protesters.

An central Ministry authorized said at least 350 people were apprehended nationwide.

Also Saturday, militants launched three attacks on government security goals, including a car bombing directed at a central security force barracks in the town of Suez, in Egypt’s crucial canal zone.

The militant group Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis asserted responsibility for the downing of a infantry helicopter in the Sinai Peninsula on Saturday after noon. The statement issued to jihadist forums said the group’s fighters discharged a surface-to-air missile at the helicopter, in what would be the first known deployment of the shoulder-fired tools for fighting by extremists conducting an insurgency against security forces in the Sinai desert.

localized media furthermore described that a surface-to-air missile was utilised to bring down the aircraft, quoting security officials.

The fresh violence came a day after Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis asserted blame for Friday’s blasting device attacks in the heart of Cairo, including a mighty blast at the city’s police head office.
Did Apple deal 55 Million iPhones Last Quarter?

55 million. That's the number of iPhones analysts accept as true, on average, that Apple sold in its first quarter of 2014. That numerous iPhones sold would assess Apple's best quarterly smartphone sales ever.

Let's discover the significances: What would 55 million iPhones mean for apple ? And what's going by car its robust iPhone sales?

Looking at the figures
approximating Apple's iPhone sales is simpler than it utilised to be. After Apple modified the way it presents guidance to a much more very sensible (and accurate) procedure, analysts' consensus estimates have been closer to genuine outcomes. So, assuming these approximates are, indeed, equitably close to what apple will report when it provides first-quarter outcomes on Monday, how will 55 million iPhones affect Apple's results?

Assuming the average trading cost continues the same as last quarter, the iPhone segment could account for about $32 billion of Apple's income. founded on analyst approximates of $57.9 billion in total income for the quarter, thus, the iPhone could account for about 55% of Apple's peak line -- slightly below the 56% of income the segment accounted for in the year-ago quarter.

With iPhone sales identically as significant to outcomes and unit estimates for the quarter's sales 15% higher than the year-ago number, the iPhone may contribute more to Apple's base line than ever before. No wonder analysts, on mean, are approximating record EPS at $14.32. Though $14.32 in EPS is only 3.7% higher than the year-ago quarter, the gain on the base line will be Apple's first in four quarters.

Where is all this growth coming from?
granted all the contradictory Apple headlines highlighting its dwindling international market share, it would be easy to assume that the business isn't growing any more. But that's just not the case. So how is apple still growing regardless of intensifying affray? The growth can be explained in two points.

1. Apple's profiting market share in the joined States. In the U.S., Apple's biggest market, Apple is doing exceedingly well. In detail, iPhone ownership in the U.S. is up seven percentage points in the fourth quarter of 2013 from the year-ago quarter, according to NPD.

2. apple  is benefiting from general smartphone market growth. regardless of apple dwindling market share overseas as lower-cost Android apparatus make outsized profits in market share in many markets, Apple is still benefiting from the market's general growth.

Is this the starting of more development for apple ?
With analysts predicting development in Apple's earnings per share on the strength of record iPhone sales, can investors anticipate more development from Apple in the future?

It's definitely likely. There's likely still plenty of development ahead for Apple's iPhone and iPad segments. IDC pegs its estimates for annualized development in smartphone and tablet shipments between 2013 and 2017 at about 15%. really, the mean analyst estimate on Yahoo! Finance for Apple's EPS development next year is 10%. Looking out over the next five years, the outlook is even more bullish: Analysts anticipate EPS growth of about 15% per annum.

If apple is selling record iPhones, reporting record income, and growing its bottom line, does a cautious valuation of 13.8 times profits make sense?

What do you believe? Will Apple sell 55 million iPhones in Q1?

Looking for worth in a pricey market? Try these bonus supplies
One of the soiled secrets that few investment professionals will in an open way accept is that bonus stocks as a assembly handily outperform their non-dividend-paying brethren. although, knowing this is only half the assault. The other half is recognising which dividend supplies in particular are the best. With this in brain, our top analysts put simultaneously a free register of nine high-yielding stocks that should be in every earnings investor's portfolio. To discover the persona of these stocks instantly and for free, all you have to do is bang here now.

The item Did Apple deal 55 Million iPhones Last Quarter? initially appeared on Fool.com.
Fool supplier Daniel Sparks owns portions of apple . The Motley Fool suggests and owns portions of apple . Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. We Fools don't all hold the same opinions, but we all accept as true that contemplating a diverse range of insights makes us better investors. The Motley Fool has a revelation policy.

Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

BCA Counter Exchange Rate

23 Jan 2014 / 16:23 WIB
Sell Buy
12195.00 12155.00
9525.41 9485.41
16641.84 16561.84
10744.75 10674.75
2259.88 2189.88
1923.79 1853.79
10944.51 10874.51
13513.37 13443.37
10144.52 10074.52
20262.68 20182.68
1579.28 1559.28
118.24 115.24
3281.34 3211.34
2031.84 1991.84
TT Counter
23 Jan 2014 / 16:21 WIB
Sell Buy
12300.00 12000.00
9535.70 9435.70
16796.40 16351.40
10843.50 10531.50
2267.85 2185.95
1926.50 1853.80
11040.85 10721.85
13648.85 13270.85
10245.45 9924.45
20469.70 19898.70
1580.50 1554.10
118.48 114.57
3291.00 3189.00
2036.60 1979.30
Bank Notes
23 Jan 2014 / 08:15 WIB
Sell Buy
12300.00 12000.00
9611.00 9362.00
16672.00 16218.00
10892.00 10571.00
2250.00 2146.00
1909.00 1808.00
11090.00 10752.00
13490.00 13105.00
10211.00 9903.00
20402.00 19830.00
1593.00 1536.00
117.74 114.20
3284.00 3049.00
2038.00 1967.00

Notes :
e-Rate is used for transaction through e-Channel
*) Call the nearest BCA branch to get information about the exchange rate for a specific value.

Exchange rate can change without prior notification.

Foreign Exchange Rates as of 23 January 2014

Foreign Exchange Rates as of 23 January 2014
Weighted-average Interbank Exchange Rate = 32.969 Baht/US Dollar

1. Average Counter Rates Quoted by Commercial Banks
( Baht / 1 Unit of Foreign Currency )
CountryCurrency Average Buying Rates Average Selling Rates
Sight Bill Transfer
UNITED STATESUSD 32.7175 32.8147 33.0935
UNITED KINGDOMGBP 54.0675 54.2333 54.9309
EURO ZONEEUR 44.2109 44.3308 44.9436
JAPAN (100 Yen)JPY 31.1455 31.2396 31.8045
HONG KONGHKD 4.2038 4.2198 4.2766
MALAYSIAMYR 9.7057 9.7493 10.0484
SINGAPORESGD 25.4016 25.4815 25.9572
BRUNEI DARUSSALAMBND 24.9475 25.3860 26.0191
PHILIPPINESPHP 0.7028 0.7153 0.7431
INDONESIA (1000 Rupiah)IDR 2.4655 2.5056 2.8974
INDIAINR 0.4709 0.4994 0.5652
SWITZERLANDCHF 35.7452 35.8424 36.4311
AUSTRALIAAUD 28.6902 28.7812 29.3265
NEW ZEALANDNZD 26.9721 27.0567 27.5376
PAKISTANPKR 0.2978 0.3028 0.3228
CANADACAD 29.2899 29.3826 29.8615
SWEDENSEK 5.0239 5.0438 5.1263
DENMARKDKK 5.9206 5.9394 6.0275
NORWAYNOK 5.2853 5.3029 5.3866
CHINACNY 5.3584 5.3873 5.5190

2. Foreign Exchange Rates (THOMSON REUTERS) with Bangkok Market Crossing
CountryCurrency Buying Rates Selling Rates
MEXICOMXN 2.4656 2.4866
SOUTH AFRICAZAR 3.0174 3.0431
TAIWANTWD 1.0851 1.0944
KUWAITKWD 115.9940 116.9795
SAUDI ARABIASAR 8.7497 8.8240
MYANMARMMK 0.0334 0.0336
BANGLADESHBDT 0.4238 0.4274
CAMBODIAKHR 0.0082 0.0083
KENYAKES 0.3825 0.3858
VIET NAMVND 0.0016 0.0016
EGYPTEGP 4.7141 4.7541
POLANDPLN 10.6753 10.7660
SRI LANKALKR 0.2509 0.2530
IRAQIQD 0.0282 0.0284
BAHRAINBHD 87.0416 87.7812
OMANOMR 85.2330 85.9571
JORDANJOD 46.3878 46.7819
QATARQAR 9.0113 9.0879
MALDIVESMVR 2.1239 2.1420
NEPALNPR 0.3318 0.3346
PAPUA NEW GUINEAPGK 13.0438 13.1547
ISRAELILS 9.3952 9.4750
HUNGARYHUF 0.1470 0.1482

Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

Mount Sinabung @ Tanah Karo ; Sumatera Utara ; Indonesia ....erupted....Pray for Sinabung....

Images Mount Sinabung erupted
 ( Pray for Sinabung )

 images refugee evacuation of residents around Mount Sinabung
( Pray for Sinabung ) 

images of jakarta floods

images of Jakarta Floods

images of refugee mothers and children

Failed to Satisfy Investors Issuer 's performance , Wall Street Mixed
 New York - Wall Street stocks ended mixed with the S & P 500 fell into the red zone . Performance of the issuer fails to satisfy investors , causing a sell-off before the close of trading .
Dow Jones and S & P 500 returned dututup in the red zone , but the Nasdaq rose thanks to gains in capable BlackBerry . IBM Saha became ballast exchange .
" We see a significant decline in the performance of listed companies last year , but there are also some that can provide satisfactory kinrja , " said Kristina Hooper , head of portfolio strategy of Allianz Global Investors in New York , as quoted by Reuters on Thursday ( 23/1 / 2014 ) .
" Issuer 's performance as kesehata describe economic conditions , which is why there are a lot of disappointment in the market , " he explained .
New 16 % S & P 500 companies that have reported financial results , as many as 61% of them exceeded analysts' predictions . This figure is still below the range of the previous quarter to reach 67 % . When viewed comparison , every eight underperforming companies then there is a positive one .
At the close of trading on Thursday , Dow Jones industrial average fell 41.10 points ( 0.25 %) to 16373.34 . The broader Standard & Poor's 500 index edged up 1.06 points ( 0.06 %) to 1844.86 . The Nasdaq Composite Index increased 17.24 points ( 0.41 % ) to a level of 4243.00

Disaster in Serang as 2 Children Die in Bridge Collapse, Many Missing

Disaster in Serang as 2 Children Die in Bridge Collapse, Many Missing 


Serang, Banten. At least two people died and many were missing after a bridge collapsed in Serang on Tuesday afternoon as dozens of people, many of them children, were watching the high water level in the Cibanten River.
“We’re still searching [for victims],” head of the Banten Disaster and Mitigation Agency (BPBD) Ino Rawita said on Tuesday, as quoted by state run Antara news agency.
Scores of people were watching the river, which was experiencing high water levels as the rainy season continued to peak, when one of the supports broke and the bridge collapsed. National Disaster and Mitigation Agency (BNPB) Sutopo Purwo Nugroho identified the two dead children as Firdaus, 14 and Rahman, 9.
Around 30 people were rescued. It was not clear on Wednesday how many people may had been killed.
I know that Banten government can afford the bridge, but they don’t care
“We’re trying to get the exact data on the number of missing people, because at the moment it’s not clear,” Ino said.
Sutopo said 12 people were still missing, although this figure could well change, and that the search would be resumed on Wednesday.
Banten Legislative Council (DPRD Banten) member Ayib Najib said the DPRD had told both the Serang and Banten governments to build a permanent bridge in place of the suspension structure, but that the request had fallen on deaf ears.
Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah was arrested by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) at the end of 2013 and has been charged by the anti-graft authority with appropriating the provincial budget for her own ends.
“Almost every recess, I told the government about it,” Ayib said. “As for us, it is not a problem who builds the bridge, whether it is the Banten or Serang government. But none of them responded.
“Why is it so difficult to build this kind of facility for residents?” he said. “I know that Banten government can afford the bridge, but they don’t care.”