Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

‘Jokowi-care’ a pilot task for imminent nationwide health design

An agent tries to recognise a KJS card, which is equipped with ID barcode that connections to an online record of the patient’s annals, at a community wellbeing center in Koja, North Jakarta. An agent endeavours to recognise a KJS business card, which is equipped with ID barcode that connections to an online record of the patient’s history, at a community wellbeing center in Koja, North Jakarta.

For all citizens or only the poor?
A report business card for Jakarta’s healthcare program
Man of the dwelling, man of the instant

Jakarta’s progressive healthcare program — then renowned as JPK Gakin — has been formally entitled since 2011 as a pilot project for nationwide universal health care, which the central government should implement starting in January.

The program subsequent rebranded and amplified under the Jakarta wellbeing business card (KJS), evolving the centerpiece program for Jakarta Governor Joko “Jokowi” Widodo when he took agency in 2012. The previous head of Surakarta commenced the program inside a month of going into his new agency in Jakarta.

KJS instantly became the envy of persons in other villages and cities who marvelled why they could not have the same benefits. reviews show that Jokowi is the most well liked nominee for the 2014 presidential elections, even though it continues unsure whether he will run or be nominated.

Like Obama, Jokowi's political fortunes hinge on the increase or drop of his healthcare program.

If the KJS goes wrong — and there are numerous who want to see it go wrong — it could stymie Jokowi’s presidential aspirations. But achievement might signify Jokowi will cross Monas Park from the governor’s agency to the Presidential castle next October.

“Jokowi-care” faces foremost difficulties that need speaking to, particularly when the program is introduced at the nationwide level. There are questions about the accessibility of assets (doctors and clinic wards), funding and its sustainability, and about the general effectiveness and effectiveness of government health care.

Some of these difficulties have currently appeared.

In March, 16 private clinics endangered to depart the KJS, citing unfair soaring costs.

They backed off after Jokowi acquiesced to reimbursement rates for hospitals under the KJS.

The program’s effectiveness counts on the collaboration between the government, state-owned wellbeing protection business PT Askes and clinics, according to Hasbullah Thabrany, a public wellbeing expert at the University of Indonesia (UI).

“The difficulty is there is still little trust between these three,” he states.

While welcoming the move to standardize clinic rates under the Indonesia Case Base assemblies (INA-CBGs), he inquiries why the government should further allow some clinics to ascribe enormously distinct rates.

“When you purchase a cup of coffee, why would you want to pay so much more for the identical cup? clinics vitally provide the identical remedy, so why should we permit some to charge more?” he inquired.

The KJS utilises the INA-CBGs to set reimbursement rates from the Jakarta government.

INA - CBGs is an online software system that calculates assertions for 14,500 ailments and 7,500 methods, and encompasses doctor’s fees, facilities, surgery and third-class rooms.

The rates were set through discussions directed by the wellbeing Ministry, hospitals and medical practitioners. The INA-CBGs distinctiates the rates for 12 distinct reference hospitals, permitting up-market amenities to document higher claims.

agents at Askes accept as true that the national healthcare scheme will pursue the KJS means, including obligations for localized wellbeing community center referrals.

Askes will establish staff at clinics and train clinic workers to administer the program, says Irfan Humaedi, Askes head public relatives agent.

Taufiqqurahman, a constituent of the Jakarta Legislative Council and a vocal detractor of KJS, has toned down his disagreement to “Jokowi-care.”

“I am not are against to the program, I really support it,” states the political leader from the Democratic Party.

“But I had problem when Jakarta enlisted the services of PT Askes, because it makes the program prone to graft,” he states. “Health care should be provided by the government, not by personal companies.”

Still, Taufiqurrahman did not overlook Jokowi’s penchant for populism, such as when the governor travelled to neighborhoods and in person presented over health cards at the start of the program.

“Jokowi is politicizing this healthcare issue to boost his own image,” Taufiqurrahman says. “He should be employed to advance the number of medical practitioners and clinic workers, advance their salaries. He should not be out there giving out cards.”

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