Sabtu, 04 Januari 2014

Prediction results of the 2014 election Indonesian

 Prediction results of the 2014 election Indonesian version Institution Voters
  PDI-P, Golkar lead. Democrats, MCC down. PKPI be a dark horse.

Voters Indonesian organisation ( LPI ) PDI forecasts will dominate the upcoming 2014 election . The cause , the PDI-P benefited by a role as an disagreement party .

" PDI-P furthermore be firm with grave matters such as the Bank years scandal , " said controller of LPI , Boni Hargens , The Gallery Cafe , Taman Ismail Marzuki ( TIM ) , centered Jakarta , Wednesday, May 15, 2013 .

Boni said PDI-P furthermore obtained a good thing from the failure of the ruling parties or the ruling party is the Democratic Party . The status is combined with political romanticism volatile voters ( voters founded on love instant ) that once selecting the party foremost Megawati Sukarnoputri . The impact , PDIP will have an plenty of sound by a important margin than the 2009 election outcomes .

" The chances are large , this party will be the victor of the legislative elections , " he said .

The second party that furthermore controls the 2014 election , Boni , is the Golkar Party . Golkar advised thriving trading and advertising perform well democratically .

" Golkar party is furthermore sustained by the advanced administration of the 2014 forecast that the acquisition will not sag harshly , while sat on in second place after PDIP , " he said .

Democrats and MCC Down

Meanwhile , LPI forecasts Democrats will know-how a decline in the 2014 election . According to him , there will be huge migration flows from the popular Party to the other party , either party or the party's new long middle .

" The party will drop in the variety of 7.45 per cent - 10 , 45 percent . In other phrases , the largest Democrats will come to 10.45 per hundred or 7.45 per hundred smaller at most 2014 election , " he said .

Then the Prosperous fairness Party ( PKS ) will not be adept to get in the peak three winning party in the 2014 election . Corruption scandal that dragged the previous president , Lutfi Hasan Ishaaq , be the trigger factor . " noise a greatest MCC 7.88 percent . Uphill not possible . , But may decline , " said Boni .

In fact , Boni challenge predict , MCC of the predicate as a solid intermediate party can turn into little parties which lack public support democracy after 2014 performances . However, he accepts as true that MCC will not disappear from circulation homeland politics .

" noise MCC at 5-6 per hundred in 2014 to endure , " he said .

Boni said alterations in support of the MCC is in stark contrast to the last two elections , 2004 and 2009. built-up Muslim -based party vote jumped 5.98 per hundred in the 2004 elections ( 7.34 per hundred ) contrasted to the 1999 elections ( 1.36 percent ) . However , in the 2009 elections only increased by 0.55 per hundred to 7.88 per hundred .

" After the scandal of imported meat and the issue of pornography ( the slide number of women ) , the party will lose voters migrants from NU and Muhammadiyah , " he said .

PKPI Black Horse ?

Voters Indonesian Institute ( LPI ) also forecasts the Indonesian Justice and Unity Party ( PKPI ) will be the dark equine in the 2014 election . LPI PKPI referee will get extra power from other lesser parties that have been fused into one .

" This is the party that has not been taken into account . Though 24.73 per hundred of the vote there in 2009 these parties , " said controller of LPI , Boni Hargens , in Jakarta , Wednesday, May 15, 2013 .

Boni said , with a strong newspapers strategy and mobilization of localizedizedized cadres and maneuver its head person , Sutiyoso , PKPI could shock every person . In the analysis of LPI , said Boni , the party numbered 15, it will increase to bulldoze the vintage parties that start left voters .

" It is not unrealistic to penetrate PKPI limit of 4 per hundred in 2014," he said .

meantime , Boni continued that the other lesser parties , the Crescent celebrity Party , would not be able to pass the electoral threshold of 3 per hundred . thus , party leaders and MS Ka'ban Yusril Ihza Mahendra alias bent it will go away from circulation despite the instability or rate of movement of voters is low , 0.76 percent .

" Chairman Generally not very formidable in sound appealing , feeble imagery in the mass media , connected with pencalegan Susno Duadji controversial UN increasingly tough odds in the 2014 election , " he said .

meantime , Chairman PKPI , Sutiyoso accept as true there will be displacement of voters in the 2014 election . According to him , the rampant situations of corruption in a number of established parties will now change the selection of the sway voters or bobbing voters .

" With the position intermediate party would shift up and down to the middle , " he said .

Former Jakarta administrator acknowledged corruption skilled by other political parties , including the Prosperous Justice Party ( PKS ) is an opening for the party to gain well liked support . " Competitors revealed to the tempest , the more solid our party , " he said .

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