Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

Unique Headstone Grave

Make It Unique Headstone Grave No Longer Bleak

Freddy Pineau felt uneasy when he came to the funeral and who met only the old gravestones are bleak . Departing from kegelisahanya , the initiative to create a unique concept which burial is far from bleak . So he created his own version of a model funeral and started in September 2012 and since then has made ​​about 100 unique designs . Here are excerpts with Freddy Pineau as reported vice.com the unique tombHow do you come up with the idea for the iron grave ?It is a combination between the death of a loved one who is forced to choose a burial monument from a wide selection of dim and conventional . And it happened to push me in my work metallurgical company , I can make to make the concept their own funeral .How tombstone business so far ?We begin to commercialize our products in September 2012 . We have produced around 100 monuments in the first year and they've all been put in the grave . We do not wholesale our products to the showroom . We just made ​​a special unique pieces for our clients is done by the designers .What was the reaction of the manager of the park cemetery ?They were quite surprised at first and then quite happy because we carry is a little excitement to the place .Are there projects are most proud of ?Graves we made for Serge Danot , creator of Pollux and the Magic Roundabout . It really helped the company known , because the pictures were circulated very quickly continue throughout France .

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