Minggu, 05 Januari 2014

The Surprising Headache Culprit

The Surprising Headache Culprit

Your bashing head may be from a minty mouth: masticating too much gum may convey on stress headaches, reports a study from Meir Medical Center in Tel Aviv.

When investigators inquired gum-chewing annoyance sufferers to give up their minty twigs for one month, 86 percent glimpsed important improvements in their throbbing noggins, many finding enduring relief. And when the advanced participants went back to masticating gum, every single one glimpsed an direct relapse of their symptoms.

What's so awful about the breath freshener? Gum may have two matters, interprets Robert Cowan, M.D., F.A.A.N., controller for Stanford University's annoyance Clinic. The aspartame discovered in many brands may initiate the bashing, and the proceed of chewing could furthermore aggravate the junction that connects your jaw to the skull. force here determinants sinew stress and fatigue, premier to stress headaches, he interprets.

While Dr. Cowan alerts gum is probably not the initiate for everyone's headaches, it's easy to test: all you have to do is kick the custom to see if it's your culprit. Trade the bag for aspartame-free mints for a month, and see if your symptoms improve, proposes Dr. Cowan.

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